Category Archives: Life

Getting Educated About Physical Education

(Photo by Kapungo)

This summer, I took a class all about physical education. The course is taught by Mike Perez, an athlete, a coach, and a teacher with decades of experience, and the current head of West Valley College’s Athletics Program. So far it’s one of the most interesting and inspiring classes I’ve ever taken. Even if you’re not planning on entering the field–and especially if you are–you have take this class. Every day is a bit like The Last Lecture. I sure wish I took this course earlier in life and sure am glad I’ve had the chance to take it now.

Fixing Common Problems in PE

There’s quite a lot that goes into a good physical education program that we, and perhaps our PE teachers, have taken for granted. Some of it is glaringly obvious: for example, how important is it to let kids choose teams? Were you ever the last kid chosen? Do you remember how that felt? If you weren’t, what did you think the kids that were felt like? It takes a few minutes, no seconds, for the teacher to split the class up into teams and this saves a lot of the kids from a lot of anxiety.

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Hundred Pushups

I rediscovered this website while showing my friend the 4 Hour Blog. It’s a six week program to get just about anyone able to do one hundred pushups in a row. I love because it’s simple, to the point, easy to follow, and has a counter built for you ( The neat thing about pushups is that they not only work your chest, but work your triceps too. I hate to admit it, but I never realized this until reading that website.
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