I rediscovered this website while showing my friend the 4 Hour Blog. It’s a six week program to get just about anyone able to do one hundred pushups in a row. I love hundredpushups.com because it’s simple, to the point, easy to follow, and has a counter built for you (pushupslogger.com). The neat thing about pushups is that they not only work your chest, but work your triceps too. I hate to admit it, but I never realized this until reading that website.
So far I’ve been doing it for a week (you just do your sets every other day) and each time I’ve increased a bit. Though final max on the last two remained at 16. A few friends, along with my dad and brother have jumped in. The logger makes it easy to keep up, and having buddies do it offers additional pushing and motivation. You can also track other users and see how they’re doing. I’m user livetruly.
Check it out for yourself. hundredpushups.com.