Category Archives: Books


Jacob’s Hands

I picked up Jacob’s Hands at the library soon after starting training. Late Julyish? Took the MUNI down 26th to get some household items at the Chinese stores. Walked into the library with a broom and a bamboo mat. Gotta love it.

Jacob's Hands

I had no idea what to get, so tried to think back to some authors I liked. In the end I got Huxley’s (and Isherwood’s) Jacob’s Hands, Hesse’s Demian, and some random modern poetry book.

Started the next day off with Jacob’s Hands. It’s perfect commute reading. Neat little book. Asks questions about healing. Well the book itself doesn’t, but it makes you wonder about them.

What if you could cure just about any disease with your hands. Would you? It’s not that simple. What if you knew that by making someone healthy, he’d become a different person, one not so nice or kind? What about all your little quirks and such, do you really want to be healed? Are there some things you want for comfort, sympathy, and excuses? Again, seeing what cancer can do, it’s really not that easy. The book is written super short and super simple, but it can make you think.